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Romania Construction Infrastructure sector: Italian companies are awarded multi-million dollar contracts

Romania Construction Infrastructure sector: Italian companies are awarded multi-million dollar contracts

Italy has been the main investor country in Romania in terms of number of registered companies for over 15 years. Infrastructure is one of the main focuses of the Romanian PNRR.

The Romanian road and rail system requires huge investments and the Romanian government intends to use a substantial part of the Recovery Plan funds to develop internal connectivity.

The focus is on motorways and railway lines, but there are hundreds of other projects involving provincial and local road networks.

The largest projects include the modernization of the railway network through the construction of new routes, the capacity upgrade of over 110 stations and the construction of over 400km of new express roads, electric vehicle charging stations and lighting with solar energy.

Thanks to the opportunities opened up by European funds, by the prospects of modernizing the infrastructure and transport network, there are ambitious development plans for the Romanian road system, which are partly also being implemented, which have attracted the attention of the big names in Italian construction .

The Italian companies that have been sponsoring the “Placement Course for Professional Engineers Construction and Oil&Gas Sector" for over 21 years continue to acquire important multi-million dollar orders in Romania, but above all beautiful infrastructure projects in which to place our young engineers. The TOP Italian companies in the infrastructure construction sector such as Pizzarotti, Webuild-Astaldi, Saipem Salcef, Todini, Rizzani de Eccher, IRD Engineering, etc and many others have been operating in Romania for years. Which in the last 10 years have contributed to the development of Romania, companies that continue to intensify their tenders, participating and winning new tenders.

Several former Dirextra students, included in the aforementioned companies, have worked and still work on the construction of important infrastructures in Romania. Among which Francesco Pio Vergura-Deputy Construction Manager at WeBuild - Suspension Bridge over the Danube in Braila, Romania, Saverio Barbieri Country manager Romania has worked for various companies from Cosedil, Manelli, Pizzarotti and D'Agostino, Mariangela Bonanno -Field Engineer Pizzarotti-Project: Highway A7 Ploiești - Buzău, and many others.

We are looking for Romanian engineers to be trained through the Dirextra placement course and included in the workforce on projects managed by our companies carried out in Romania or even in Italy where the number of orders has undergone exponential growth. Romanian engineers interested in being hired from Italian companies for costruction sites in Italy or Romania please contact us. (

Below are the main awards and projects currently underway in Romania by our companies:

  1. The Pizzarotti Group (80%), together with Retter Projectmanagement (20%), was awarded the contract for the construction of Lot 1 Dumbrava-Mizil of the A7 Ploiesti-Bacau Motorway in Romania. The object of the contract is the construction of works relating to the A7 motorway which will connect the city of Ploiesti to the city of Buzau, in the central-south-eastern area of ​​Romania, approximately 60 km north of the capital Bucharest. The project, commissioned by C.N.A.I.R. - “Compania Nationala de Administrare Infrastructurii Rutiere S.A.” - has a value of approximately 300 million euros and falls within the framework of strategic infrastructure investments for the development of mobility, promoted by the European Union.
  2. Pizzarotti has been awarded the construction of the A0 North Lot 1 motorway, better known as the Bucharest Centura (Bucharest ring road), a fundamental work for the mobility of the Capital, which will allow a fluidization of traffic with consequent benefits in terms of socio-environmental impacts. The value of the work is close to 170 million euros. The client is the National Society for the Administration of Road Infrastructures (Cnair).
  3. The Consortium led by Webuild, Pizzarotti and Salcef was awarded the contract. Lot 4 (Aleşd - Hungarian border section), of the Cluj-Napoca - Episcopia Bihor railway line, involves the design and implementation of the modernization and electrification works of approximately 50km of existing railway line, including the 5 stations of Tilegad, Osorhei, Oradea est, Oradea, Episcopia Bihor, in the north-west area of ​​the country, towards the border with Hungary. The work was commissioned by CFR, the company national railway, and the contract is financed with European funds through the local PNRR, to support strategic projects for the country. The total value of the lot is approximately 490 million euros.
  4. Webuild was awarded the contract: Lots 2A and 2B Curtici - Simeria Frontier Line. The project involves the rehabilitation of approximately 80 kilometers of the Frontieră–Curtici–Simeria railway line, part of the Pan-European Corridor IV. The construction of 11 stations, 30 bridges and a tunnel is planned, in addition to the ERTMS signaling and telecommunications system; Lot 3: The project involves the rehabilitation of 40 km of the Frontieră–Curtici–Simeria railway line, for the stretch between Gurasada and Simeria of the 614 km–Radna–Simeria section. The construction of approximately 20 bridges, electrification, the ERTMS signaling and telecommunications system, the renovation of approximately 10 railway stations and minor works are planned. The client is CFR SA, the Romanian State Railways Company. The works are financed with EU funds as part of the POIM program for the modernization of the Curtici-Brasov-Constanta Railway Corridor IV. The overall value of Lots 1A and 2B is approximately 772 million euros and the value of Lot 3 is approximately 600 million euros.
  5. Rizzani has been awarded the contract for the construction of the new road ring road in Craiova, the sixth largest city in Romania, to decongest heavy traffic and connect Craiova to the Calafat (DN65), Bechet (DN55) and Timisoara-Bucharest (DN5) roads. . The scope of the works involves the construction of a 10.5 km dual lane road with emergency areas, two viaducts, two equipped car parks, three roundabouts, as well as consolidation works using the most advanced techniques. Contract value 30 million euros.
  6. Saipem has been awarded two new contracts for offshore E&C activities in Europe, specifically in Romania and Germany, for a total value of approximately 1.8 billion euros. The first contract relates to the Neptun Deep Gas Development project in Romania, in the Nero, for which the assignment procedure by OMV Petrom has been concluded. The scope of work includes the engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCIC) of a gas processing platform at approximately 100 meters depth, the development of three subsea fields, a 30'' gas pipeline approximately 160 km long and an associated fiber optic cable from the shallow water platform to the Romanian coast. The gas processing platform will be built in Saipem shipyards in Italy and Indonesia.

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