Huffington post UK 25.10.2017 - A Unique Opportunity in Manchester
Huffpost's article publiched on 25.10.2017
Today, one of the main challenges that residents of Britain face is finding opportunities. While many low-skill sectors are loaded with opportunities that few people want to fill, high-skill and specific sectors are much harder to get involved with. For example, construction infrastructure, the oil and gas sectors and various other high-end sectors are struggling to find opportunity for young, ambitious workers.
Thankfully, solutions do exist. For example, Dirextra provides the opportunity throughout the year for people to get involved in learning and finding placements in this industry. Through Dirextra all the people who take part in these courses will get the opportunity that simply does not exist elsewhere.
Based in Manchester City Center (Northen Quarter), England, though, they hold workshops for a period of 3 months where people get all the opportunities they need to learn, find placement and improvements in their professional lives.
Once the classroom finishes, the professional engineers who attended the course find themselves getting jobs across 50 different countries in the world. They sponsor many large multi-national firms in the construction infrastructure as well as oil and gas sectors. For those feeling let down by the distinct lack of opportunities out there today, this poses one of the simplest opportunities to find an opportunity.
A Unique Opportunity in Manchester
Speaking to us about the company is Carmen Andre’, the Director at the school. We got the chance to ask some details about the school, why it exists and why it has become such an important part of the Manchester and British construction industry.
"I'm Director at Dirextra Construction Business School based in Manchester. We deliver placement course for professional engineers in construction infrastructure and oil and gas sectors. Next edition will start in Manchester on 26.02.2018. The Construction and Oil & Gas Companies sponsoring our Programme grant Scholarships to cover part of Tuition Fees. Scholarships are limited students who register in advance will receive a higher amount, at the moment covers up to 40%.”
The company concentrates heavily on the importance of delivering a service that brings its heritage to the forefront while still teaching people in a way that they will easily recognize and enjoy learning under.
“The programme is supported by large Oil & Gas and Construction Infrastructure Companies operating all over the world aiming to hire young engineers. Students come in Manchester for 3 months course and after we find the job for them in 50 countries in the world via our sponsoring multinational companies in construction infrastructure and oil and gas. 100% successful placement in previous 27th Editions." Carmen Andre’ continued.
The long-term aim of the course is to “train engineers to become managers in Construction and Oil & Gas companies who are able to manage business processes and Construction site procedures” according to the official website. With fully accredited CPD training, too, this ensures that those who undertake the course and more likely to learn about professional development, leadership and education of the team(s) they work within.
This is a crucial part of what has made this course so popular. With over 2,300 alumni engineers who have went on to work on major global infrastructure, this is a course that has purposefully made sure that those without opportunity today can find one tomorrow. They even provide full accommodation during the 6-months internship in the construction site, with 1,000 hours of professional training taken in during this period.
With many people feeling that opportunity for growth and self-development outside of London is increasingly limited, Dirextra helps to fill a gap that has been growing for many years. By helping any professionals with the ambition to move further up the ladder, this serves as one of the most reliable ways to take full control of professional futures. It sets the tone for what is sure to be one of the most challenging parts of modern life and business management in general.
At present, the 28th Edition of the Dirextra course is going to be taking place on the 26th February 2018, commencing from then. Selections are open at present, so those who are interested in making an opportunity should consider taking part in the process.
Many in the next generations are being left behind by poor business choices and an ever-closing sector. Despite having lots to offer in the industry, many simply never get the chance to do so. Thanks to Dirextra, the aim is to try and create a new generation of young business leaders who can help future generations.
Thanks to the likes of Carmen Andre', then, people have all the opportunities that they could possibly need to take control of their professional futures. Despite the frustration and the closure of opportunity, solutions like this go to show that, with the right attitude, opportunities can be found across the globe.
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