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Dirextra Head Hunting

For 21 years Dirextra Head Hunting has been following the careers of highly specialised professionals who have attended in the Dirextra Construction and Oil & Gas Sector courses, right from the first job placement and for all subsequent career steps.

Thanks to our many years of experience in the construction infrastructures, engineering and oil and gas sectors, we are expert connoisseurs of the professionalism present on the market and therefore we are able to identify the profile that could be suitable for each specific job position that company submits us.

We identify and report to the partner companies profiles of professional engineers, architects, graduates in economics and lawyers who already work in the sector of construction infrastructure, oil and gas and engineering or talents who aspire to pursue a career of excellence in the indicated sectors, responding in thus to the specific requests of the companies that rely on us to search for such profiles.

We offer client companies suitable solutions capable of reaching business targets through the hiring of professionals specialised in the relevant sector or through the identification of highly motivated junior profiles to embark on a career in the sector.

Our head hunters identify professionals who have all the required characteristics both in terms of experience, technical skills and soft skills in accordance with the needs of the client company.

Dirextra Head Hunting provides the personnel search service with great attention to detail, identifying expert professionals, in line with the culture and values ​​of the company, capable of harmoniously integrating with the new business context.

Here are some of the partners for which we have been looking for candidates for many years:

We only report resumes of people we know directly.

Are you a company looking for highly qualified staff? Entrust us with the research!

Fill out the form below specifying your needs, we will contact you as soon as possible!